15 November, 2009
14 November, 2009
Half Day Seminar
Theme : "Bridging the gaps between construction industry and academia"
These seminar actually organized by our group collaboration with academia UTM and UITM. In this seminar we invited 3 speaker which Prof Peter Barret and Prof Mustafa Alshawi (University of Salford, UK) dan Ir. Dr. Zuhari (CREAM). Although inside the Dewan not many people came in because this programme are on ad-hoc but i can saw a few from JKR, UITM,UTM, Uniten, ISM, PAM, UIAM and also faculty students.
The speakers are very expert in their field especially from Salford. The session end-out with some refreshment and the most important things that I can took a picture with the Expert and SALFORDIAN community in Malaysia.
Prof. Peter Barret
Prof. Mustafa Alshawi
Dr. Malik Khalfan (recently moving from Salford to RMIT, Australia)
With Prof. Peter Barret
with Salfordian Communities
P/S : To my groups don't forgot to writing in this programme in our SKT.
The 15th AsiaConstruct Conference 2009 (Renaissance Hotel, Kuala Lumpur)
(Iron lady Pn Sariah, CIDB)
My First Test - Viva For Working Proposal
The faculty decided to start persentation at 9.30 am. There are 3 panels involved for each group but only 2 panels was coming. The groups of students for presentation are according to research area. For my group there are only 3 students in the same area of research which is Information Technology In Construction.
I was the first presenter in that presentation. Due to that I was very nervous for being the 1st. My presentation took 30 minutes and 20 minutes for Q & A. There are lot of comments for my presentation but according to panels my persentation is ok but only a little bit of clarification especially on the gaps of research. One of the panel said it's a normal situation for PhD student which is in early stage of research. I was afraid on my working proposal which i though may be can't achieved at PhD level especially on the objectives. But when i asked the panels during Q&A both of them agreed that my research was achieved the PhD level. Thanks to Allah.
After I finished my presentation it was continued with my friends. Overall in this groups, our presentation have met the Faculty and IPS requirements althought we had heard some of others group they have a problems in their presentation.
Again thanks to Allah being my presentation going smooth and succeed and because of that i and my friends (groupmates) decided to reward ourselves with some refreshment at Midvalley.
It takes a time for me to write a new post. May be because i cannot managed my time effectively and efficiently. It is true. A lot of changes in my life coming in since after i decide to do a PhD. People in Phd environment always said that P (People) h (head) D (Damage). Because of that i need be carefull and focus for anythings i do. I always bear in mind that anythings i do that is 'Ibadah' and hope for Allah to give His reward.
Tomorrow morning my sons Raudhah and Riyadh will involve in Majlis Penyampaian Hadiah( Annually Prize Education Ceremony) at their school, Sekolah Kebangsaan Permatang Badak, Kuantan for their academic excellent. Raudah (Primary 3) obtain 2nd raking (average for PKSR 1+2+3) in her class (above 90% marks) and for Riyadh (Primary 1) just obtain Highest Marks for English Paper (almost 100% average). Most of the papers Riyadh also obtained above 90% marks. Thanks to Allah for giving this to my families. Our family KPI's is 90% marks in all subjects taken in the school. In the ceremony, raudhah will also involve in present Action Song. Actually her group got 2nd place in Kuantan District Action Song Competition . Raudhah quite active in extra curriculum since in 5 years old at Pasti. Hopefully she has a memoriable in her life with this activities. I and my wive will support in anythings she do and love to do.
Actually I am quite loose with my children since after i did my Phd. I am only can spent time on a weekends. All the chores are left to my wive shoulder.
04 October, 2009
1) Things I Do When Embark Phd (17hb Julai 2009 - Friday)
-I) Knowing yours Supervisor's Environment
ii) Then make comfortable with our 2nd house - Institute Of Post Graduate Studies (IPS)
- Our Bank of Grant was here.
iii) One of the place for memorial event (insyaallah my konvo. ..... 2012)
2) A Moment with my little princess.
3) Eid, 2009.
17 September, 2009
Today is a bad day when my car was hit by another car at the back. Although i am always do and take defensive side when driving a car but.......thanks to Allah I'm save.
However I am always thanks to Allah again because give me a gifted son where 2 of my son have a flying colours in her/his exam. I am really hope (always in my pray) my son will do the same things in future exam.
a good father is where he can give full attention for his kids and always there whenever the kids need.
24 August, 2009
Today The School (post graduate study) is conducting a Talks by Prof. Greg Lloyd from University of Ulster, Ireland. The topic presented by Greg is about The Literature Review.
In the meeting room, Gred presentation was very nice and he gave a lot of tips regarding that research. I hope it can help me to explore a new things and especially about my new world ...... R E S E A R C H.
Aku pindah rumah sewa dari Brickfield ke Pantai Dalam. Actually is not a house but just a litte space ( a room). I eventually does not like Brickfield. I guess other people out there know why. Crime, crowd, 'little indians', etc. and not surprised that this is the policeman duty area.
Lepas habis 'literature review' cepat-cepat keluar dari work station naik bas di kampus ke Pantai Dalam. Bas rapid KL yang masuk UM ke Pantai Dalam sentiasa penuh. Alhamdulillah biasanya kalau keluar awal +-4 ptg dapat naik bas. Sampai di Apartment Bukit Angkasa Bro.Pian belum balik lagi kerja. So aku rewang-rewang kat kawasan sekitar beli apa yang patut. Tempat baru ini jauh lebih meriah lebih-lebih bulan ramadhan ni. Kata orang kat sini kalau tak balik raya pun ok kat sini tak perlu sedih sebab ramai orang yang tak balik kampung untuk beraya.
Aku mintak tolong Bro. Pian hantar aku ke rumah lama di Brickfield lepas solat isyak. Bro. Pian berhenti kat stn LRT Bangsar then aku naik jejambat ke seberang. Nasib baik barang nak angkut tak bayak iaitu 2 beg galas, 1 beg toto dan 1 beg bantal. Habis segenap tempat yang boleh disangkut pada anggota badan aku guna. Nasib baiklah pindah malam, tak de orang nampak aku angkut barang. kalau tak tentu banyak 'interpretation' dari orang sekeliling pada aku.
Di bilik baru ini more convinient and comfortable. Bilik agak luas 10' x 10' dan ada bilik air sendiri. Kadar sewa ok lah RM 350.00 sebulan. But one thing was not complete was electrical fan. I need to buy it. Anyway ini harganya kalau buat Phd di KL serba-serbi 'duit'.
30 July, 2009
Cerita Tentang Masa Lalu
Minum petang bersama anak2 aku mengambil kesempatan untuk bercerita dengan anak2 tentang kehidupan keluarga aku di masa lalu. Di mana aku cerita kat anak2 bahawa aku dulu nak minum petang macam sekarang ni tak boleh sebab tak mampu. Si hasanah tanya aku kalau minum air aku minum air ape. Aku sambil cakap fikir terus melayang masa kecik2 dulu. Dulu abie minum air teh bunga wangi (cap bintang) baunya sangat wangi. Nak tambah susu dalam teh tak boleh sebab mak tak mampu beli. Masa tu serbuk teh paling murah harganya. Puas minum teh mak buat kopi 'o'. Nak minum milo tak berpeluang kalau nak minum jugak gi rumah kawan2. Si angah (Haziq) mencelah kalau makan kuih mak tok buat kuih ape?. Aku menjawab mak tok suka buat kuih lempeng debok (sebab terlalu tebal) dan hangit. Masa tu rumah aku guna api kayu. Dapur masak masa tu arwah ayah buat besar sungguh rupa dapur tu lebih kurang dapur macam kita gi camping pengakap (ada para besi). Dulu masa kecik keluarga abi susah sungguh, kata aku pada anak-anak. Kalau makan nasi kalau time susah makan nasi dengan budu je. Sebab tu sekarang ni aku dah tak makan budu sebab dah jemu.
Sambil mata aku merenung kepada anak2 dalam hati berkata "untung anak2 aku kalau lapar cakap je pada abie dan umi nak makan apa? Terus dibeli atau cari kat kedai". Zaman sekarang anak2 hidup dengan sempurna. Zaman aku dulu serba-serbi susah tetapi masa tu ramai jugak keluarga yang ok. Tapi aku tak lah tension masa buidak2 sekarang ni, nak ikut macam orang kaya. Teringat masa darjah 4 dulu (1983-srk teruntum,kuantan) masa tu kelas Ilmu Alam, aku lupa bawa buku tulis. Cikgu (lupa nama) suruh aku berdiri sambil mempersenda kat aku. Katanya "berakit-rakitlah dulu, berenang-renang ke tepian, bersusah-susahlah dahulu, bersenang-senang kemudian". Pantun ini masalah segar lagi dari ingatan ku. Selepas aku cerita ini pada anak2 , Raudhah kata abie ni macam story teller (panglipurlara). Abie kan macam arwah tok ki, suka cerita, kata aku pada anak2. Anak2 aku kalau aku cerita semua telopong mulut menghayati cerita aku, seronok mendengar.
Harapan seorang ayah ialah nak lihat anak2 sempurna dalam kehidupan. Berjaya di dunia dan di akhirat.
16 July, 2009
UM here I'm coming.....
Alhamdulillah hari ini aku daftar UM. A long road began with 1.00 am from Kuantan bus station to Puduraya. I am arrived at Puduraya around 4.00 am. At there I was landing at Surau Puduraya. At that time it was a quite environment. (too early morning).
After Subuh prayer i was rushing to take LRT Pudu Raya to Masjid Jamek. And from Masjid Jamek taken Putra LRT to Stesen LRT Universiti. My life began as UM student after taken short break at Masjid Ar Rahman.
Before taken steps to UM Gerbang I was taken a breakfast at Warong beside Masjid. The food there is really not my taste (tawar je...) . Actually in my mind i don't have direction how should i went to IPS, although in my hand I bring a UM maps which i was donwnload from website. After I was asking 'Pak Guard' which the direction to IPS, he told me that it took 30 min. to go there. On my dear..... a long road.
I arrived at IPS more than 30 min because i take a wrong direction. (dalam hati terfikir je betul ke aku ni... dahlah jalan sorang-sorang macam orang tak betul je). Anway that is the way I was choosing. ........to be continued ... more wonderful storey.......
05 July, 2009
Menghadiri kursus Database Management di Resident Hotel, Uniten, Kajang. Peserta yang hadir kursus ini seramai 20 orang. Overall kursus ini kira oke le tetapi for the next, I think the course need some adjustment to the contents and 'Penceramah'. Anyway i did some extra knowledge for my understanding regarding to the course. Hopefully I can do a simple database system when I need especially during my study soon.
My roommate was Nizam and he came from Poly KT. Nice to share with Nizam regarding all matters about life and 'dad'. The food there was very delicious and I always waiting for breakfast, lunch and dinner times.

Our group system designer (Fariha PTSB, Nizam PKT and me POLISAS)
Groups presentation Our System Expert (during group evaluation)
During "convo"
Fariha, 3rd best system designer
Ist prize system designer
Participants of course.