14 November, 2009

Previous Activities At UM

Half Day Seminar

Theme : "Bridging the gaps between construction industry and academia"

These seminar actually organized by our group collaboration with academia UTM and UITM. In this seminar we invited 3 speaker which Prof Peter Barret and Prof Mustafa Alshawi (University of Salford, UK) dan Ir. Dr. Zuhari (CREAM). Although inside the Dewan not many people came in because this programme are on ad-hoc but i can saw a few from JKR, UITM,UTM, Uniten, ISM, PAM, UIAM and also faculty students.

The speakers are very expert in their field especially from Salford. The session end-out with some refreshment and the most important things that I can took a picture with the Expert and SALFORDIAN community in Malaysia.

Prof. Peter Barret

Prof. Mustafa Alshawi

Dr. Malik Khalfan (recently moving from Salford to RMIT, Australia)

With Prof. Peter Barret

with Salfordian Communities

P/S : To my groups don't forgot to writing in this programme in our SKT.


The 15th AsiaConstruct Conference 2009 (Renaissance Hotel, Kuala Lumpur)

These are my 1st conference i was attended. There are 8 presenters came from Asian countries including New Zealand. These conference mainly to discuss how each of presenter's countries carried-up the steps to enhance construction industry which focusing into strengthening the value chain in construction.

I gain a lot of knowledge during that conference especially in my research area which is application of IT in construction. After some of presenter finished their presentation I was trying to kept in touch with them especially came from Hong Kong and Indonesia. Alhamdullilah, they given a good respond and will helps me if I am getting problems in future research.

(Iron lady Pn Sariah, CIDB)
In the conference I am also met my previous course-mate during my Master at USM 5 years ago. He came from Deakin University, Australia and on holiday here.

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