31hb July 2009
Cerita Tentang Masa Lalu
Minum petang bersama anak2 aku mengambil kesempatan untuk bercerita dengan anak2 tentang kehidupan keluarga aku di masa lalu. Di mana aku cerita kat anak2 bahawa aku dulu nak minum petang macam sekarang ni tak boleh sebab tak mampu. Si hasanah tanya aku kalau minum air aku minum air ape. Aku sambil cakap fikir terus melayang masa kecik2 dulu. Dulu abie minum air teh bunga wangi (cap bintang) baunya sangat wangi. Nak tambah susu dalam teh tak boleh sebab mak tak mampu beli. Masa tu serbuk teh paling murah harganya. Puas minum teh mak buat kopi 'o'. Nak minum milo tak berpeluang kalau nak minum jugak gi rumah kawan2. Si angah (Haziq) mencelah kalau makan kuih mak tok buat kuih ape?. Aku menjawab mak tok suka buat kuih lempeng debok (sebab terlalu tebal) dan hangit. Masa tu rumah aku guna api kayu. Dapur masak masa tu arwah ayah buat besar sungguh rupa dapur tu lebih kurang dapur macam kita gi camping pengakap (ada para besi). Dulu masa kecik keluarga abi susah sungguh, kata aku pada anak-anak. Kalau makan nasi kalau time susah makan nasi dengan budu je. Sebab tu sekarang ni aku dah tak makan budu sebab dah jemu.
Sambil mata aku merenung kepada anak2 dalam hati berkata "untung anak2 aku kalau lapar cakap je pada abie dan umi nak makan apa? Terus dibeli atau cari kat kedai". Zaman sekarang anak2 hidup dengan sempurna. Zaman aku dulu serba-serbi susah tetapi masa tu ramai jugak keluarga yang ok. Tapi aku tak lah tension masa buidak2 sekarang ni, nak ikut macam orang kaya. Teringat masa darjah 4 dulu (1983-srk teruntum,kuantan) masa tu kelas Ilmu Alam, aku lupa bawa buku tulis. Cikgu (lupa nama) suruh aku berdiri sambil mempersenda kat aku. Katanya "berakit-rakitlah dulu, berenang-renang ke tepian, bersusah-susahlah dahulu, bersenang-senang kemudian". Pantun ini masalah segar lagi dari ingatan ku. Selepas aku cerita ini pada anak2 , Raudhah kata abie ni macam story teller (panglipurlara). Abie kan macam arwah tok ki, suka cerita, kata aku pada anak2. Anak2 aku kalau aku cerita semua telopong mulut menghayati cerita aku, seronok mendengar.
Harapan seorang ayah ialah nak lihat anak2 sempurna dalam kehidupan. Berjaya di dunia dan di akhirat.
30 July, 2009
16 July, 2009
17hb Julai 2009
UM here I'm coming.....
Alhamdulillah hari ini aku daftar UM. A long road began with 1.00 am from Kuantan bus station to Puduraya. I am arrived at Puduraya around 4.00 am. At there I was landing at Surau Puduraya. At that time it was a quite environment. (too early morning).
After Subuh prayer i was rushing to take LRT Pudu Raya to Masjid Jamek. And from Masjid Jamek taken Putra LRT to Stesen LRT Universiti. My life began as UM student after taken short break at Masjid Ar Rahman.
Before taken steps to UM Gerbang I was taken a breakfast at Warong beside Masjid. The food there is really not my taste (tawar je...) . Actually in my mind i don't have direction how should i went to IPS, although in my hand I bring a UM maps which i was donwnload from website. After I was asking 'Pak Guard' which the direction to IPS, he told me that it took 30 min. to go there. On my dear..... a long road.
I arrived at IPS more than 30 min because i take a wrong direction. (dalam hati terfikir je betul ke aku ni... dahlah jalan sorang-sorang macam orang tak betul je). Anway that is the way I was choosing. ........to be continued ... more wonderful storey.......
UM here I'm coming.....
Alhamdulillah hari ini aku daftar UM. A long road began with 1.00 am from Kuantan bus station to Puduraya. I am arrived at Puduraya around 4.00 am. At there I was landing at Surau Puduraya. At that time it was a quite environment. (too early morning).
After Subuh prayer i was rushing to take LRT Pudu Raya to Masjid Jamek. And from Masjid Jamek taken Putra LRT to Stesen LRT Universiti. My life began as UM student after taken short break at Masjid Ar Rahman.
Before taken steps to UM Gerbang I was taken a breakfast at Warong beside Masjid. The food there is really not my taste (tawar je...) . Actually in my mind i don't have direction how should i went to IPS, although in my hand I bring a UM maps which i was donwnload from website. After I was asking 'Pak Guard' which the direction to IPS, he told me that it took 30 min. to go there. On my dear..... a long road.
I arrived at IPS more than 30 min because i take a wrong direction. (dalam hati terfikir je betul ke aku ni... dahlah jalan sorang-sorang macam orang tak betul je). Anway that is the way I was choosing. ........to be continued ... more wonderful storey.......
05 July, 2009
1hb - 4hb Julai 2009
Menghadiri kursus Database Management di Resident Hotel, Uniten, Kajang. Peserta yang hadir kursus ini seramai 20 orang. Overall kursus ini kira oke le tetapi for the next, I think the course need some adjustment to the contents and 'Penceramah'. Anyway i did some extra knowledge for my understanding regarding to the course. Hopefully I can do a simple database system when I need especially during my study soon.
My roommate was Nizam and he came from Poly KT. Nice to share with Nizam regarding all matters about life and 'dad'. The food there was very delicious and I always waiting for breakfast, lunch and dinner times.

Menghadiri kursus Database Management di Resident Hotel, Uniten, Kajang. Peserta yang hadir kursus ini seramai 20 orang. Overall kursus ini kira oke le tetapi for the next, I think the course need some adjustment to the contents and 'Penceramah'. Anyway i did some extra knowledge for my understanding regarding to the course. Hopefully I can do a simple database system when I need especially during my study soon.
My roommate was Nizam and he came from Poly KT. Nice to share with Nizam regarding all matters about life and 'dad'. The food there was very delicious and I always waiting for breakfast, lunch and dinner times.

Our group system designer (Fariha PTSB, Nizam PKT and me POLISAS)
Groups presentation Our System Expert (during group evaluation)
During "convo"
Fariha, 3rd best system designer
Ist prize system designer
Participants of course.
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